
5 Amazing Ways Animation Is Changing How We Connect

  It is easy to feel isolated in a world where there should be greater connectivity than ever. There are more ways to connect than ever before, thanks to the animation industry's boom.   These connections can be creative, unexpected and extremely effective, whether they are online or in-person. We will look at 5 key ways to use animation in order to create a connection with your audience, whether it's family, friends or students. It could also be potential clients, customers, etc.   Your imagination is the only limit! 1.   Public Speaking Online and in person, there are many opportunities to speak publicly.   There are many opportunities to give a speech, both online and in person. Where does animation fit in?   Public speaking requires that you appear and speak as yourself, right?   Not necessarily!   Animation can be used in a number of ways to enhance your presentation. For example, you can create animated characters to talk for you. Animations...